2017-10-17 19:12:41 CEST

2017-10-17 19:12:41 CEST


Islandic English
Íslandsbanki hf. - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Islandsbanki hf.: Concludes covered bond offering

Íslandsbanki hf. has today concluded an offering of covered bonds.

Total demand amounted to ISK 3,740m.

Total offers received in the CPI-linked issue ISLA CBI 24 amounted to ISK
2,220m ranging from 2.73% - 2.78%. All offers were declined at this time.

Total offers received in the CPI-linked issue ISLA CBI 30 amounted to ISK
1,520m ranging from 2.65% - 2.72%. All offers were declined at this time.

So far this year Íslandsbanki has issued covered bonds in the amount of ISK
37,880m. The total nominal amount of outstanding covered bonds issued by
Íslandsbanki will be to ISK 102,580m after the auction.

For further information:

  * Treasury - Egill Thorolfsson, egill.thorolfsson@islandsbanki.is and tel:
    +354 440 2615.
  * Public Relations - Edda Hermannsdóttir, pr@islandsbanki.is and tel:
    +354 440 4005.
