2016-04-25 20:20:07 CEST

2016-04-25 20:20:07 CEST


Islandic English
Marel hf. - Financial Statement Release

Marel Q1 2016 Results: Pro Forma EBIT of 15% and strong order book

(All amounts in EUR)

Q1 2016: Pro forma financial results

  --  Revenue for Q1 2016 totaled 233.9m [Q1 2015: 244.1m of which discontinued
     operations were 6m].
  --  EBIT* was 35.2m or 15.1% of revenue for Q1 2016 [Q1 2015: Adj. EBIT**
     35.2m 14.4%].
  --  The order book was at 339.9m at the end of the Q1 2016 [Q1 2015: 289.3m].

Pro forma financial results include MPS for the full quarter. Pro forma Q1 2016
is compared to pro forma Q1 2015 to show more representative future indicator
than the consolidated accounts. 

Order intake was robust and was on pro forma basis 254 million in the quarter.
The order intake is well bal-anced both geographically and between product
groups. Large Greenfields were secured in India, U.S., Brazil and Europe during
the quarter. Cash flow and operational performance was strong and net
debt/EBITDA is 2.9x at the end of the quarter, which is within the range of the
targeted capital structure. 

The year began on a good note for Marel with the operations of MPS positively
impacting on profitability and performance. Pro forma revenue was 234 million
with EBIT of 15%. Taking into account the order book and delivery time of
projects to customers, increase is foreseen in revenue over the course of the

Management reaffirms guidance of modest organic revenue growth and increase in
EBIT* between years compared with last year pro forma result of 977 million
revenues and adjusted EBIT of 133 million. 

Q1 2016: Consolidated financial results

  --  Revenue for Q1 2016 totaled 220.6m [Q1 2015: 209.3m].
  --  EBITDA for Q1 2016 was 38.2m or 17.3% of revenue [Q1 2015: Adj. EBITDA**
     36.9m or 17.6%].
  --  EBIT* for Q1 2016 was 31.1m or 14.1% of revenue [Q1 2015: Adj. EBIT**
     23.8m or 11.4% of revenue].
  --  Net result for Q1 2016 was 13.8m [Q1 2015: 12.6m]. Earnings per share
     were 1.93 euro cents in Q1 2016 [Q1 2015: 1.73 euro cents].
  --  Cash flow from operating activities before interest and tax in Q1 2016
     was 27.9m [Q1 2015: 39.5m].
  --  The order book was at 339.9m at the end of the quarter compared with
     178.0m at the end of Q1 2015 [Q4 2015: 180.9m].

Marel’s consolidated accounts include MPS for two months and are compared to Q1
2015 Marel stand alone. 

Arni Oddur Thordarson, CEO:
“The year 2016 has kicked off well. I would like to welcome the MPS team on
board. Our first steps as a united team are promising. We have maintained the
momentum with excellent orders received in the quarter of 254 million, our
operational results are strong with a pro forma EBIT of 15% and we enter the
future with a record order book of 340 million. 

We can already see the positive effect that MPS is having on our operations. We
are now a full line provider of solutions and services in Poultry, Meat and
Fish. Marel Meat is now accounting for 33% of total revenue with best in class
Taking into account the order book and the upcoming delivery time of projects
to customers, we foresee an increase in revenues over the course of the year.
We reaffirm our guidance of modest organic revenue growth and increase in
operational results between years compared with the 2015 pro forma result of
977 million in revenue and adjusted EBIT of 133 million”. 

MPS is part of Marel’s official consolidated financial accounts since January
29, 2016. Integration of the two companies is on track. Marel provides pro
forma financial results to help investors make comparisons of Marel’s operating
results from one financial period to another. Pro forma results are considered
a better future indicator than consolidated accounts and give better reflection
of the underlying business performance. 

Marel is the leading global provider of advanced processing systems and
services to the poultry, meat and fish industries. Marel management has
adjusted how it views and manages the business and serves the customer needs.
Since January 1, 2016, further processing previously reported as an, industry,
will operate as a business unit within Marel that works across Marel Poultry,
Marel Meat and Marel Fish. Marel will focus on providing standard solutions as
well as full line offerings throughout the value chain from primary and
secondary processing through further processing. 

The change from four to three operating industry segments does not have any
impact on consolidated reve-nue, operational profit or net result. 

Remko Rosman, former CEO of MPS has now joined the Executive Team of Marel as
the new Managing Di-rector of Marel Meat. David Wilson, former Managing
Director of Marel Meat will lead Marel’s activities in fur-ther processing as
Managing Director. 

Marel has a commercially strong product portfolio stemming from its continuous
focus on innovation and strategic acquisitions. Marel has enjoyed success and
growth in primary and secondary processing and will now focus on seizing the
growth in the further processing of Poultry, Meat and Fish. 

Marel Poultry
Marel Poultry had a good start to the year with record order intake. Marel
Poultry generated 124.4 million in revenue and EBIT of 17.8 million (14.3% of
revenue) in Q1 2016. Marel Poultry accounted for 53.2% of Marel’s revenue in
the quarter. Projects were well distributed geographically and between
different product groups and sizes, including large projects in the U.S. and
Hungary. Primary and secondary processing is delivering good results while
further processing is still lagging in profitability. 

During Q1, Marel Poultry participated in the IPPE Show in Atlanta where the
sale of the 500th SensorX bone detection system was signed and all the latest
state of the art poultry processing systems were on display. Marel also
participated in VIV MEA in Dubai during the quarter where Marel’s stand
attracted customers from emerging markets. 

Marel Fish
Marel Fish generated 31.5 million in revenue and EBIT of 2.3 million (7.4% of
revenue) in Q1 2016. Marel Fish accounted for 13.4% of Marel’s revenue in the
quarter. Order intake in salmon is in line with expectations while whitefish
and on-board solutions are underperforming. Refocusing of onboard solutions in
Seattle is ongoing. 

Marel Fish exhibited all its latest solutions and equipment for the salmon
industry at the Salmon ShowHow that was held in Progress Point, Denmark in
February. Marel Fish also exhibited at the Seafood Expo North America in Boston
and the CFIA in France during the quarter. 

Marel Meat
Marel Meat includes MPS from January 29, 2016. In total, Marel Meat generated
76.5 million on pro forma basis in revenue and EBIT* of 13.6 million (17.8% of
revenue) in Q1 2016. Marel Meat accounted for 32.7% of Marel’s revenue in Q1
2016. Order intake and volume is at a good level and the pipeline is promising.
Marel with MPS on board is a leading global provider in the primary and
secondary processing of meat. The plan is to step up investments in further
processing to capture growth going forward. 

During the quarter Marel Meat participated in the IPPE Show in Atlanta, Anuga
in Germany, the CFIA exhibition in France and organized the 5th Meat ShowHow in
Progress Point. 

Financial items

Cash flow
Marel returned a healthy cash flow from operations with operational cash flow
before interest and tax being 27.9 million for Q1 2016 compared with 39.5
million at Q1 2015. Cash flow fluctuates with timing of orders. Cash flow
related to interest and finance costs are high due to payment of upfront fees
and other fees related to refinancing. These fees are capitalized and amortized
over the expected lifetime of the facility. 

In Q1 2016, Marel sold 10.8 million treasury shares for a total amount of 16.3
million to shareholders and the employees of MPS, as part of the acquisition
price. Marel now holds 20.1 million treasury shares. 

Financing and reporting
In Q1 2016 Marel entered into a 670 million loan facility agreement with eight
international banks: ING bank, Rabobank, ABN Amro,Nordea, HSBC, BNP Paribas,
Landsbankinn and UniCredit Bank. The facility converts the previous facility
into an all senior facility, extends the term to 2020 as well as provides funds
for the acquisition of MPS.  As a result of the acquisition, net interest
bearing debt increased during Q1 2016 and amounts to 486 million at the end of
the quarter, compared with 161.7 million at the end of Q1 2015 ago. The balance
sheet remains healthy and the total net leverage ratio is 2.9 at the end of Q1
2016 and remains below the targeted range of 3x Net debt/EBITDA. 

As a result of the acquisition of MPS, approximately 245 million of goodwill is
recognized. Furthermore, ap-proximately 200 million is recognized as intangible
assets broken down into three main items, technology of approximately 54
million, customer relationships of approximately 118 million and order backlog
of approxi-mately 24 million. The amortization of the purchase price allocation
in Q1 2016 was 4.5 million: 2.9 million re-lated to the fair value lift up on
the order backlog and1.7 million of amortization of identified intangible
assets. The order backlog will be fully amortized mid-2017 and the other
identified intangible assets will be amortized straight line over a 20 year
period. The amounts recorded are provisional; the period during which
adjustments are permitted is limited to 12 months from the date of acquisition. 

Management reaffirms guidance of modest organic revenue growth and increase in
EBIT* between years compared with last year pro forma result of 977 million
revenues and adjusted EBIT of 133 million. 

A commercially strong product portfolio and focused market approach together
with tailwind in the market has driven strong revenue growth in recent
quarters. The industry that Marel operates in has a history of 4-6% annual
growth and it is expected that average annual growth will remain at that level
in the long term. Marel’s aim is to continue to grow faster than the market by
leveraging its market presence and with continuous in-vestments in innovation. 

Mid- and long-term, the company believes its innovative products and global
presence in the poultry, meat and fish segments will secure good growth and
increased profitability. Results may vary from quarter to quarter due to
general economic developments, fluctuations in orders received and deliveries
of larger systems. 

Presentation of results, April 26, 2016
Marel will present its results at an investor meeting on Tuesday, April 26, at
8:30 am (GMT), at the Company’s headquarters at Austurhraun 9, Gardabaer. The
meeting will also be webcasted at marel.com/webcast. 

Publication days of Consolidated Financial Statements in 2016

  --  2nd quarter 2016   July 27, 2016
  --  3rd quarter 2016   October 26, 2016
  --  4th quarter 2016   February 1, 2017

Release of financial statements will take place after market closing on the
aforementioned dates. 

For further information, contact:
Audbjorg Olafsdottir, Corporate Director of Investor Relations and
Communications, tel: (+354) 563 8626 / mobile: (+354) 853 8626.