2017-01-06 16:45:39 CET

2017-01-06 16:45:39 CET


Engelska Isländska
Icelandair Group hf. - Company Announcement

Traffic Data December 2016

The Company carried 220 thousand passengers on international flights in
December. The number of passengers was up by 19% as compared to December last
year. The capacity increase totalled 24% between years. The passenger load
factor was 77.2% compared to 79.2% in December 2015. Passengers on regional
flights were close to 21 thousand in December, increasing by 17% between years.
In 2016 The Company started flights to Aberdeen in Scotland on Bombardier Q400
aircraft. Until now the Aberdeen flights have been included in international
traffic data but from December 1st they will be accounted for with regional
flights.  Year to date numbers have been adjusted accordingly. Regional
capacity increase in December was 59% compared to last year, main reason being
the Aberdeen flights. Sold block hours in charter flights remained the same
between years in December. Cargo transport decreased by 3% year-on-year. The
room utilisation at the Company’s Hotels was 67.9%, compared to 60.7% in
December last year. 

The Company has never carried more passengers on international flights than in
2016.  The total number of passengers carried was nearly 3.7 million, an 20%
increase from previous year. The passenger load factor was 82.2%, decreasing by
1 percentage point from 2015 which was a record year. The total number of
passenger on regional flights was 323 thousand, increasing by 9%. Sold block
hours on charter flights increased by 1% and cargo transport was up by 5%. The
room utilisation at the Company’s Hotels for the total year was 81.5% and has
never been higher. 

INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS            DEC 16   DEC 15    CHG (%)     YTD 16   CHG (%)
Number of Passengers            219,937  185,216        19%  3,674,461       20%
Load Factor                       77.2%    79.2%   -2.0 ppt      82.2%  -1.0 ppt
Available Seat KM                 861.2    697.0        24%   13,653.3       23%
REGIONAL FLIGHTS                 DEC 16   DEC 15    CHG (%)     YTD 16   CHG (%)
Number of Passengers             20,603   17,672        17%    322,740        9%
Load Factor                       58.8%    70.5%  -11.6 ppt      69.3%  -5.1 ppt
Available Seat KM                  12.4      7.8        59%      179.6       24%
CHARTER FLIGHTS                  DEC 16   DEC 15    CHG (%)     YTD 16   CHG (%)
Fleet Utilisation                100.0%   100.0%    0.0 ppt     100.0%   0.0 ppt
Sold Block Hours                  1,865    1,864         0%     23,523        1%
CARGO                            DEC 16   DEC 15    CHG (%)     YTD 16   CHG (%)
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000)        8,387    8,637        -3%    105,379        5%
HOTELS                           DEC 16   DEC 15    CHG (%)     YTD 16   CHG (%)
Available Hotel Room Nights      27,807   24,335        14%    352,214        8%
Sold Hotel Room Nights           18,886   14,779        28%    287,160       13%
Utilisation of Hotel Rooms        67.9%    60.7%    7.2 ppt      81.5%   3.3 ppt

For further detailed information please contact:

Bogi Nils Bogason, CFO, Icelandair Group tel: + 354 665-8801
Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director Investor Relations, Icelandair Group tel: +
354 840-7010