2007-12-06 13:32:32 CET

2007-12-06 13:32:32 CET


Islandic English
Kaupþing banki hf. - Company Announcement

- Fitch affirms Kaupthing's ratings - Outlook changed to negative

Fitch Ratings today announced that Kaupthing Bank's ratings were affirmed at
Long-term IDR 'A', Short-term IDR 'F1', Individual 'B/C', Support '2' and
Support Rating Floor 'BBB'. Fitch has changed the Outlook for Kaupthing's
Long-term IDR to Negative from Stable. 
Fitch stated: "The change of the Outlook from Kaupthing's Long-term IDR follows
the downgrade of NIBC's Long-term IDR and Fitch's view that the potential
volatility of NIBC's business model has become more challenging. NIBC will
become a large part of the Kaupthing group, adding potentially volatile
revenues and again increasing the group's reliance on wholesale funding,
although initiatives to raise customer deposits could mitigate this risk." 
Fitch also stated: "Nevertheless, the ratings of Kaupthing are supported by the
good strategic fit of the acquisition, the improved diversification of its
profits and assets, good performance and asset quality indicators and
satisfactory capitalisation, despite the significant goodwill to be generated
from the acquisition." 
See Fitch announcement: http://www.kaupthing.com/Investors/Ratings/Fitch
Further information:
Gudni Adalsteinsson - Chief Treasurer, + 354 444-6126
Jónas Sigurgeirsson - Chief Communications Officer, +354 444-6112