2016-11-16 08:00:01 CET

2016-11-16 08:00:01 CET


Viking Line - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Viking Line's Interim Report for the period January 1 - September 30, 2016

Mariehamn, 2016-11-16 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Viking Line Abp                 INTERIM REPORT                16.11.2016, 9.00


Consolidated sales of the Viking Line Group for the period January 1 –
September 30, 2016 were 397.3 million euros (EUR 403.1 M for January 1 –
September 30, 2015). Other operating revenue amounted to EUR 2.0 M (0.3).
Operating income totalled EUR 14.8 M (22.5). Net financial items totalled EUR
-3.2 M (-2.9). Consolidated income before taxes amounted to EUR 11.6 M (19.7).
Income after taxes totalled EUR 9.7 M (16.2). 

Competition in Viking Line’s service area means there is greater pressure on
prices as well as volumes. The economic trend in Finland is still an
uncertainty factor. However, the bunker price has so far had a favourable
effect on earnings. The Board of Directors' assessment is that operating income
will be lower in 2016 than in 2015. 


Consolidated sales of the Viking Line Group for the period January 1 –
September 30, 2016 were 397.3 million euros (EUR 403.1 M for January 1 –
September 30, 2015). Other operating revenue amounted to EUR 2.0 M (0.3).
Operating income totalled EUR 14.8 M (22.5). Net financial items totalled EUR
-3.2 M (-2.9). Consolidated income before taxes amounted to EUR 11.6 M (19.7).
Income after taxes totalled EUR 9.7 M (16.2). 

Passenger-related revenue decreased by 0.7 per cent to EUR 362.3 M (364.9) as a
result of lower passenger volume, while cargo revenue decreased by 6.4 per cent
to EUR 32.9 M (35.1). Net sales revenue decreased by 1.9 per cent to EUR 281.5
M (286.9). 

Consolidated operating income declined mainly due to lost revenue in connection
with planned and completed vessel dry-dockings for modernization and
maintenance of vessels as well as lower demand during the latter period of the
reporting period. Salary and other employment benefit expenses increased due to
the limiting of restitution in conjunction with a change in the Seamen’s
Pensions Act in Finland. However, the cost effect of this is expected to
decrease during the financial year. Consolidated operating expenses increased
by 1.4 per cent to EUR 247.8 M (244.3). The weaker Swedish krona had a negative
effect on consolidated income. 

Consolidated bunker expenses decreased by 22.0 per cent to EUR 29.2 M (37.5) as
a result of lower average bunker prices combined with the Group’s continued
efforts to optimize the bunker consumption of its vessels. 

During the third quarter, July 1 – September 30, 2016, consolidated sales
decreased by 2.9 per cent to EUR 159.3 M compared to the year-earlier quarter
(EUR 164.1 M for the period July 1 – September 30, 2015). Third quarter
operating income amounted to EUR 25.3 M (30.1). 


The Viking Line Group provides passenger and cargo carrier services using seven
vessels on the northern Baltic Sea. The Group’s vessels served the same routes
as in 2015. The extensive vessel modernizations that were carried out during
the spring caused longer service interruptions than normal, which adversely
affected the Group’s market share. 

The number of passengers on Viking Line’s vessels during the report period
amounted to 5,015,177 (5,066,883). During the report period, Viking Line
decreased its market share on the Turku (Finland)–Mariehamn/Långnäs (Åland
Islands, Finland)–Stockholm (Sweden) route by 1.5 percentage points to 55.4 per
cent. On the Helsinki (Finland)–Mariehamn–Stockholm route, market share
decreased by 0.7 percentage points to 42.2 per cent. In cruise services between
Stockholm and Mariehamn, market share increased by 0.5 percentage points to
57.6 per cent. On the Helsinki–Tallinn (Estonia) route, market share decreased
by 0.8 percentage points to 23.3 per cent. On the short route over the Sea of
Åland, market share decreased by 0.3 percentage points to 42.0 per cent. The
Group thus had a total market share in its service area of 33.7 per cent

Viking Line’s cargo volume was 98,327 cargo units (99,371). Viking Line
achieved a cargo market share of 20.7 per cent (21.9). Meanwhile the number of
cars transported increased by 28,510 units (+5.5 per cent) to 545,708


The Group’s investments amounted to EUR 13.4 M (8.0).

In March 2016 Viking Line Abp sold Park Alandia Hotell, which resulted in a
slight increase in consolidated other operating revenue. The hotel served as a
support unit for vessel operations and did not have a material effect on the
Group’s sales, operating income or assets. 

On September 30, 2016, the Group’s non-current interest-bearing liabilities
amounted to EUR 154.8 M (178.2). The equity/assets ratio was 44.1 per cent,
compared to 42.2 per cent a year earlier. 

At the end of September 2016, the Group’s cash and cash equivalents amounted to
EUR 86.1 M (93.5). Net cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 17.5
M (29.7). 


This Interim Report was prepared in compliance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and was drawn up as a summary of the financial
statements for the period in compliance with IAS 34. Estimates and judgements
as well as accounting principles and calculation methods are the same as in the
latest annual financial statements. Recognized income taxes are based on an
estimated average tax rate, which is expected to apply throughout the financial
year. This Interim Report is unaudited. 


The average number of Group employees was 2,772 (2,765), of whom 2,078 (2,068)
worked for the parent company. Land-based personnel totalled 666 (676) and
shipboard personnel totalled 2,106 (2,089). 

In addition to the Group’s own employees, the Viking XPRS was staffed by an
average of 250 (241) people employed by a staffing company. 


Since the Year-end Report was published, no changes have occurred that affect
the Group’s short-term assessment of the risks in its business operations. 

Special risks in the immediate future are primarily related to bunker (vessel
fuel) prices. Fluctuations in bunker prices have a direct impact on the Group’s
earnings. In order to partly offset the risk of higher bunker prices, the Group
has entered into fixed-price agreements related to a portion of its estimated
bunker consumption during 2016. 


On February 27, 2015, the Helsinki District Court announced its ruling in a
case between Viking Line and the Finnish State regarding fairway charges levied
during the years 2001–2004. According to the judgement, the Finnish State was
required to pay approximately EUR 12.4 M in accordance with Viking Line's claim
as well as legal expenses plus interest. Following the appeal by the Finnish
State, on August 8, 2016, the Helsinki Court of Appeal reversed the Helsinki
District Court’s decision and rejected Viking Line’s claim due to the statute
of limitations. Viking Line has filed a leave to appeal with the Supreme Court
of Finland. 


Competition in Viking Line’s service area means there is greater pressure on
prices as well as volumes. The economic trend in Finland is still an
uncertainty factor. However, the bunker price has so far had a favourable
effect on earnings. The Board of Directors' assessment is that operating income
will be lower in 2016 than in 2015. 

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
                                 Jul 1,     Jul 1,    Jan 1,    Jan 1,    Jan 1,
                                  2016–      2015–     2016–     2015–     2015–
EUR M                           Sep 30,    Sep 30,   Sep 30,   Sep 30,   Dec 31,
                                   2016       2015      2016      2015      2015
SALES                             159.3      164.1     397.3     403.1     530.5
Other operating revenue             0.2        0.1       2.0       0.3       0.5
Goods and services                 45.6       46.0     115.7     116.2     153.2
Salary and other employment        31.0       29.6      92.5      88.5     118.1
 benefit expenses                                                               
Depreciation and impairment         7.0        6.7      20.9      20.3      27.7
Other operating expenses           50.6       51.7     155.3     155.8     205.5
                                  134.2      134.0     384.4     380.8     504.6
OPERATING INCOME                   25.3       30.1      14.8      22.5      26.4
Financial income                    0.5        0.5       3.8       3.8       5.0
Financial expenses                 -2.5       -3.2      -7.0      -6.7      -8.2
INCOME BEFORE TAXES                23.2       27.4      11.6      19.7      23.2
Income taxes                       -4.7       -5.4      -1.9      -3.4      -4.4
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD              18.6       22.0       9.7      16.2      18.7
Income attributable to:                                                         
Parent company shareholders        18.6       22.0       9.7      16.2      18.7
Earnings per share before and      1.72       2.03      0.90      1.50      1.73
 after dilution, EUR                                                            
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF                                                       
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                                            
                                 Jul 1,     Jul 1,    Jan 1,    Jan 1,    Jan 1,
                                  2016–      2015–     2016–     2015–     2015–
EUR M                           Sep 30,    Sep 30,   Sep 30,   Sep 30,   Dec 31,
                                   2016       2015      2016      2015      2015
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD              18.6       22.0       9.7      16.2      18.7
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Items that may be transferred                                                   
 to the income statement                                                        
Translation differences            -0.4       -0.3      -0.9       0.0       0.5
Investments available for             -        0.6         -      -0.2       0.7
                                   -0.4        0.3      -0.9      -0.2       1.2
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE       18.2       22.3       8.8      16.0      19.9
Comprehensive income                                                            
 attributable to:                                                               
Parent company shareholders        18.2       22.3       8.8      16.0      19.9
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR M                               Sep    Sep 30,   Dec 31,                    
                                30,2016       2015      2015                    
Non-current assets                                                              
Intangible assets                   1.7        0.7       0.8                    
Land                                0.6        1.1       1.1                    
Buildings and structures            9.4       10.3      10.0                    
Renovation costs for rented         2.1        0.8       1.2                    
Vessels                           313.3      328.6     324.5                    
Machinery and equipment             5.4        6.1       5.5                    
Investments available for          26.8       25.9      26.8                    
Receivables                         0.2        0.3       0.2                    
Total non-current assets          359.4      373.7     370.0                    
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                        17.8       17.5      17.2                    
Income tax assets                   0.4        0.1       0.5                    
Trade and other receivables        44.3       41.0      29.4                    
Cash and cash equivalents          86.1       93.5     110.7                    
Total current assets              148.6      152.0     157.8                    
TOTAL ASSETS                      508.0      525.7     527.8                    
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Share capital                       1.8        1.8       1.8                    
Reserves                            0.7       -0.2       0.7                    
Translation differences            -1.3       -0.9      -0.4                    
Retained earnings                 223.1      221.0     223.6                    
Equity attributable to parent     224.2      221.8     225.7                    
 company shareholders                                                           
Total equity                      224.2      221.8     225.7                    
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities           34.5       31.4      34.5                    
Non-current interest-bearing      154.8      178.2     174.0                    
Total non-current liabilities     189.3      209.6     208.4                    
Current liabilities                                                             
Current interest-bearing           19.3       19.3      23.5                    
Income tax liabilities              1.9        3.1       1.3                    
Trade and other payables           73.3       71.9      68.9                    
Total current liabilities          94.5       94.3      93.7                    
Total liabilities                 283.8      303.9     302.1                    
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES      508.0      525.7     527.8                    
CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
                                 Jan 1,     Jan 1,    Jan 1,                    
                                  2016–      2015–     2015–                    
EUR M                           Sep 30,    Sep 30,   Dec 31,                    
                                   2016       2015      2015                    
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Income for the period               9.7       16.2      18.7                    
Depreciation and impairment        20.9       20.3      27.7                    
Capital gains from                 -1.5        0.0       0.0                    
 non-current assets                                                             
Other items not included in         1.1        0.0      -0.5                    
 cash flow                                                                      
Interest expenses and other         3.9        4.4       5.9                    
 financial expenses                                                             
Interest income and other          -0.1       -0.1      -0.1                    
 financial income                                                               
Dividend income                    -2.4       -1.6      -1.6                    
Income taxes                        1.9        3.4       4.4                    
Change in working capital                                                       
Change in trade and other         -14.9      -11.7      -0.1                    
Change in inventories              -0.6       -1.4      -1.1                    
Change in trade and other           5.7        5.9       1.7                    
Interest paid                      -4.7       -5.3      -5.4                    
Financial expenses paid            -0.5       -0.5      -0.7                    
Interest received                   0.0        0.0       0.1                    
Financial income received           0.1        0.0       0.0                    
Taxes paid                         -1.1       -0.1      -0.3                    
NET CASH FLOW FROM                                                              
OPERATING ACTIVITIES               17.5       29.7      48.7                    
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Investments in vessels             -9.9       -6.7      -7.6                    
Investments in other               -3.6       -1.3      -2.4                    
 intangible and tangible                                                        
Divestments of other                2.6        0.1       0.1                    
 intangible and tangible                                                        
Payments received for                 -          -       0.2                    
 non-current receivables                                                        
Dividends received                  2.4        1.6       1.6                    
NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING       -8.5       -6.3      -8.1                    
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Increase in non-current             0.2          -         -                    
Amortization of non-current       -23.5      -23.5     -23.5                    
Dividends paid                    -10.3       -7.6      -7.6                    
NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING      -33.6      -31.1     -31.1                    
CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH           -24.5       -7.6       9.5                    
Cash and cash equivalents at      110.7      101.1     101.1                    
 beginning of period                                                            
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT       86.1       93.5     110.7                    
 END OF PERIOD                                                                  

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATED EQUITY                                     
                                     Equity attributable to parent              
                                      company shareholders                      
                                      Share           Translati  Retaine   Total
                                                             on        d        
EUR M                                capita  Reserve  differenc  earning  equity
                                          l        s         es        s        
Equity, Jan 1, 2016                     1.8      0.7       -0.4    223.6   225.7
Income for the period                                                9.7     9.7
Translation differences                          0.0       -0.9      0.0    -0.9
Comprehensive income for the period       -      0.0       -0.9      9.7     8.8
Dividend to shareholders                                           -10.3   -10.3
Equity, Sep 30, 2016                    1.8      0.7       -1.3    223.1   224.2
Equity, Jan 1, 2015                     1.8      0.0       -0.8    212.3   213.3
Income for the period                                               16.2    16.2
Translation differences                          0.0       -0.1      0.1     0.0
Remeasurement of investments                    -0.2                        -0.2
 available for sale                                                             
Comprehensive income for the period       -     -0.2       -0.1     16.3    16.0
Dividend to shareholders                                            -7.6    -7.6
Equity, Sep 30, 2015                    1.8     -0.2       -0.9    221.0   221.8

QUARTERLY CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                         
                                                       2016   2016   2016   2015
EUR M                                                    Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4
SALES                                                 159.3  131.1  106.9  127.4
Other operating revenue                                 0.2    0.2    1.5    0.2
Goods and services                                     45.6   38.4   31.7   37.0
Salary and other employment benefit expenses           31.0   31.0   30.5   29.6
Depreciation and impairment losses                      7.0    7.2    6.7    7.3
Other operating expenses                               50.6   53.6   51.1   49.7
                                                      134.2  130.2  120.0  123.7
OPERATING INCOME                                       25.3    1.1  -11.6    3.9
Financial income                                        0.5    2.8    0.5    1.2
Financial expenses                                     -2.5   -2.4   -2.0   -1.6
INCOME BEFORE TAXES                                    23.2    1.4  -13.1    3.5
Income taxes                                           -4.7    0.2    2.6   -1.0
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                                  18.6    1.6  -10.5    2.5
Income attributable to:                                                         
Parent company shareholders                            18.6    1.6  -10.5    2.5
Earnings per share before and after dilution, EUR      1.72   0.15  -0.97   0.23
QUARTERLY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF                                             
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                                            
                                                       2016   2016   2016   2015
EUR M                                                    Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                                  18.6    1.6  -10.5    2.5
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Items that may be transferred to the income                                     
Translation differences                                -0.4   -0.4   -0.1    0.5
Investments available for sale                            -      -      -    0.8
                                                       -0.4   -0.4   -0.1    1.4
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                    18.2    1.2  -10.6    3.9
Comprehensive income attributable to:                                           
Parent company shareholders                            18.2    1.2  -10.6    3.9

SEGMENT INFORMATION, VIKING LINE GROUP                                       
                                     Jan 1, 2016–  Jan 1, 2015–  Jan 1, 2015–
OPERATING SEGMENTS, EUR M            Sep 30, 2016  Sep 30, 2015  Dec 31, 2015
Vessels                                     395.1         399.2         525.1
Unallocated                                   2.3           4.1           5.6
Total, operating segments                   397.4         403.3         530.7
Eliminations                                 -0.2          -0.2          -0.2
Total sales of the Group                    397.3         403.1         530.5
Operating income                                                             
Vessels                                      49.4          55.5          71.2
Unallocated                                 -34.6         -32.9         -44.7
Total operating income of the Group          14.8          22.5          26.4

PLEDGED ASSETS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                       
EUR M                                              Sep 30,    Sep 30,    Dec 31,
                                                      2016       2015       2015
Contingent liabilities                               174.1      197.5      197.5
Assets pledged for own debt                          313.6      313.6      313.6
FINANCIAL RATIOS AND STATISTICS                                                 
                                                    Jan 1,     Jan 1,     Jan 1,
                                                     2016–      2015–      2015–
                                                   Sep 30,    Sep 30,    Dec 31,
                                                      2016       2015       2015
Equity per share, EUR                                20.76      20.54      20.89
Equity/assets ratio                                 44.1 %     42.2 %     42.8 %
Investments, EUR M                                    13.4        8.0       10.0
– as % of sales                                      3.4 %      2.0 %      1.9 %
Passengers                                       5,015,177  5,066,883  6,568,684
Cargo units                                         98,327     99,371    133,163
Average number of employees, full-time               2,772      2,765      2,735
Earnings per share = (Income before taxes – income taxes +/– non-controlling    
 interests) / Average number of shares                                          
Equity per share = Equity attributable to parent company shareholders / Number  
 of shares on balance sheet date                                                
Equity/assets ratio, % = Equity including non-controlling interests / (Total    
 assets – advances received)                                                    
When rounding off items to the nearest EUR                                      
 1,000,000, rounding-off differences of EUR +/–                                 
 0.1 M may occur.                                                               

The Year-end Report for the financial year 2016 will be published on February
16, 2017. 

Mariehamn, Åland, November 15, 2016

The Board of Directors

Jan Hanses
President and CEO

         CEO Jan Hanses, jan.hanses@vikingline.com, +358-18-27000